Weekend Activities & Games For Kids
We’ve Got Family Fun Covered At The Stewart Park Festival!
**Please note that representatives from following organizations are generously donating their own time and expertise to facilitate the children's education and enjoyment. These volunteers do not to provide supervision. Parents or caregivers of children 10 years or under are expected to remain on site with their children.
Activity Schedule
Saturday July 20, 12:00-2:00 PM
Saturday July 20, 2:00-4:00 PM
Brooke Valley School
Saturday July 20, 4:00-6:00 PM
Blueberry Creek Forest School
Sunday July 21, 12:00-2:00 PM
Honeybee Homestead
Sunday July 21, 2:00-4:00 PM
Kids' Performances
Sunday July 21, 12:00-12:45 PM
Magoo For Kids
on the Main Stage
Sunday July 21, 12:45 PM
YAK Duck Race
Saturday Activities
12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Come get creative! Trace, design, cut, assemble, paint, draw and embellish. Kids of all ages are invited to join EarlyON in creating a unique mask from paper.
The folks from CROW EarlyON will offer activities for children to explore and learn through play.
CROW is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and strengthening child-care, family life, child development and community links in Lanark County.

2:00 PM PM to 4:00 PM
Brooke Valley School
Come visit the Brooke Valley School activities featuring dancing with ribbons!
But first, we show you how to make twisty-twirlies out of yarn and attach them to a piece of dowling with ribbons. Then you have a magic dancing ribbon wand!
4:00 PM PM to 6:00 PM
Blueberry Creek Forest School
Take some nature home when you visit us at the festival!
We will have all sorts interesting things collected from nature. Pick out the ones you like, arrange into a mosaic and take a photo! Do you want to do another? Go ahead, its fun!

Sunday Activities

12:00 PM to 2:00 PM
Honeybee Homestead
Tickle your senses with nature-based multisensory activities, wind down with storytime, and meet a macaw! There’s a little something for everyone.
Guided by nature. Outdoor kids and youth camps and series. Adult homesteader workshops and retreats. Special and Private events.
2:00 PM PM to 4:00 PM
(McDonalds Corners/Elphin Recreation & Arts)
Come to the Children’s tent to paint pottery and try weaving on a hand loom.
We at MERA love sharing our passion for the arts. There will be pendants and other pottery pieces to decorate with acrylic paint and take home with you. Our weavers will show how we make cloth using our hand loom. Stop by on Sunday for some fun!